Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Welcome to the Positive Side

    You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will. — Steven King. Positivity: the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude. This is the definition I was given when I googled the term. To be honest, I first had to google the term to be sure…

  • Mental Health and Forgiveness

    What role does forgiveness play in managing mental health? I’m not one of those who say, “you should forgive and forget because its the right thing to do. I think forgiveness deserves more thought. I want to explain something to you. When I was growing up (and I don’t know where this way of thinking…

  • Mental Health and Depression

    Whenever I think of mental health issues, I think of depression because I’ve suffered from clinical depression my entire life. Throughout my childhood, I suffered feeling of worthlessness and hopelessness. Let me be fair to my family, they tried their best to provide a happy and safe environment and for the most part they succeeded.…

  • A Mental Health Confession

    Okay, confession time. Lately, some of the things I’ve been speaking on, I’ve failed to do. I’ve been struggling to keep a positive attitude because of things going on in my life. Yesterday, I had a meeting with my therapist where I realized that I’ve been asking my readers to do what I say and…

  • Five Motivational Images to Get You Started on the Path to Success

  • The Effects of Positivity on Recovery

    Rehabilitation and Recovery are synonyms of each other when it pertains to getting stronger after something traumatic happens. If you have a brain injury like a stroke or trauma to your brain from an accident, you will need rehabilitating. I can’t tell you enough how important I believe positivity plays in recovery. Once again, I…

  • Prioritizing Positivity

    For some people having a positive attitude comes easier than others.  There are some people who realize the importance of having a positive attitude but decide that they don’t have time to think positively or have a positive attitude.  I’m here to tell you that if you don’t make positivity a priority, then I believe…

  • Mental Health and Mindfulness

    What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is a state of being where everything you do is in the moment. You do things with purpose instead of reacting whenever something happens to us.  Mindfulness is asking questions like “Why did this happen? What can I learn from a situation?  Mindfulness is doing things that need to be done…

  • Positivity can Help In Handling Stress

    It’s a natural and certain fact of life.  We all must deal with stress.  It’s not the fact you under stress at all, but how you handle that stress that makes a difference.  Today I want to talk to you about how positivity can help you deal with stress. The first step in handling stress…

  • Using LastPass to make my life incredible

    Today, I want to talk to you about LastPass. LastPass is a password management system that has really changed my life. As computers gain more and more of our lives, our password list grows larger and larger. True, you could come up with one password and use it everywhere a password is required, but I…

  • How I manage my anxiety

    Today I want to talk to you about how I handle anxiety. I freely admit that anxiety is relatively new to me because I’ve only been experiencing it for almost 2 years, but I want to share how it affects me on a daily basis and how I’ve been handling it. Before I tell you…

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